2004 Chevrolet Tahoe Owner Manual
The owner manual contains a wealth of valuable information, from the recommended 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe service schedule to the GMT800 full-size SUV dashboard layout. You need to know the purpose of the dashboard images, the correct vehicle settings, the recommended maintenance schedule and troubleshooting. All this information is contained in a PDF document and available free of charge for viewing in a browser.
Document content:
Power Seats If your vehicle has a power seat, you can adjust it with
thesecontrolslocatedontheoutboardsidesoftheseats. Raiseorlowerthefrontoftheseatcushionbyraising
orloweringtheforwardedgeofthehorizontalcontrol. Movetheseatforwardorrearwardbymovingthe
wholehorizontalcontrolforwardorrearward. Raiseorlowertherearoftheseatcushionbyraising
orloweringtherearedgeofthehorizontalcontrol. Movingthewholehorizontalcontrolupordown
If your vehicle has power reclining seats, you can use
the vertical control to adjust the angle of the seatback.
Move the reclining front seatback rearward or forward
by moving the control toward the rear or the front of the
vehicle. See Reclining Seatbacks on page 1-6 .